Herzlich willkommen!

Let's make elephants fly!

Are you looking for a keynote speaker to pep up your organisation?

Would you like to know how to become antifragile or make effective use of agile practices?

Then you have come to the right place!

When I started to get interested in the development of large organisations, one colleague looked at me sympathetically and said: "Patricia, elephants can‘t fly." That is not true! With dedication, enthusiasm and the right tools you are able to make them fly ...

Grab some development drive and get started!

Yours sincerely, Patricia


Get inspired by keynotes about organisational development! Would you like to become antifragile and integrate your risk and opportunity management? Are you wondering how to integrate agile processes into your management system? Then you have come to the right speaker! Find out about Patricia Adam's keynotes and her profession as a speaker.
Patricia Adam


Since 2004 Dr. Patricia Adam is Professor for "International Management" at the University of Applied Sciences Hannover. She teaches and researches management systems, intercultural competence and agile processes. In addition, she actively takes part in the academic self-government of the university. In case you want to discover more please go to "About".

Auditor and Consultant

Someone who is fascinated by the interaction of creative people and excellent processes also wants to contribute practically to driving the development of people and management systems. As an auditor for QM systems and an assessor for the EFQM Excellence Model, Patricia Adam leads worldwide assessment processes and facilitates strategy workshops.


2024, Patricia Adam's newest book, "Risiken und Chancen integriert managen" will be published in the essential series of Springer Gabler (so far German only). However, the enhanced English version of her reference book about agile practices "Agile in ISO 9001" was published by Springer 2023. Originally, after finishing her doctoral thesis she had vowed to herself never to write a book again. In 2015, her textbook "Managing Internationalisation" was published by UTB in English.
Patricia Adam


Mein essential "Risiken und Chancen integriert managen" ist erschienen

Die Ergänzung zu meinem Whitepaper ist jetzt endlich publiziert. Mein essential "Risiken und Chancen integriert managen - Wie Sie erfolgreich eine antifragile Organisation aufbauen" ist im Buchhandel oder direkt im SpringerGabler Verlag als ebook oder Printausgabe erhältlich.


Integrated Risk and Opportunity Management - white paper on how to become antifragile published

Finally: The results of my current research project Risk 2.0 are available as a white paper in my Management Series - under Creative Commons in German and English. If you want to know how an organisation can become antifragile and win in the VUCA world, you will find recommendations for action, 8 success factors and a 3D model. More details will be revealed in my keynotes!


"Agile practices and agile teams fit perfectly into a quality management system! Process regulation, control and documentation are necessary. But their definition can be far more general, flexible and self-determined than many people realise."

Patricia Adam, Qualität im Focus 01/2019